Pupil Premium at Berrywood Primary School
“Pupil premium has had a very positive effect on my children. The additional support has given them a real boost, they are now even more motivated and engaged in their school work.”
Pupil Premium
“Pupil premium has had a very positive effect on my children. The additional support has given them a real boost, they are now even more motivated and engaged in their school work.”
Pupil Premium at Berrywood Primary School
Ensuring that every child has the skills to become critical and creative thinkers, who willingly make a positive contribution, is paramount here at Berrywood Primary School. High expectations for all irrespective of gender, race, culture, or socio-economic background is embedded and further enhanced by ensuring the Pupil Premium is used to maximum effect. Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to pupils who are one of the following: Looked After Pupils, pupils who are currently eligible for Free School Meals, pupils who are within a service family, those pupils who have received Free School Meals in the last six years (Ever 6 children). Since April 2014, Pupil Premium Plus has come into effect whereby children adopted from care, or those children who have left care under Special Guardianship order since December 2005, also now receive funds. From April 2015, the allocated money for Pupil Premium Pupils is as follows: Children Looked After and those on Pupil Premium Plus receive £1900 a year, Military children £300 a year and all other Pupil Premium children receive £1320 a year. Pupils with Special Educational Needs, who are also pupil premium pupils, will therefore receive these funds, which will be used to maximise and benefit each pupil on an individual basis bespoke to meeting their needs.
Our key ethos and aims include: