School Dinners

Our school dinners at Berrywood are cooked onsite daily by Hampshire Caterers (HC3S). Below you can find menu information and FAQ.

  • How much does a school dinner cost?

    The current cost for a school meal is £3.20. This does not apply to children in Years R, 1 or 2 as they are eligible for Universal Free School Meals. Benefit related pupil premium children in KS2 are also eligible to receive their meals free.

  • How do I pay for school meals?

    We request that meals are paid for in advance of them being taken as we have to pay this money to Hampshire Caterers. You can either:-

    • online at
    • cheque made payable to Hampshire County Council
    • cash in a sealed named envelope clearly stating the class, how much money is in the envelope and what it is for.
  • What are the menu options?

    There is a meat, vegetarian and a jacket potato option available daily with a menu that rotates on a three week basis. The children make their choice of meal each morning as part of the registration process. The menus are changed twice a year by Education Catering.

    For more information and to find out about the current menu options please visit Hampshire Caterers website at Education Catering

    School Lunch Menu from November 2024

    School Lunch Menu from April 2024

    Jacket Potato Options from November 2024

    Jacket Potato Options from April 2024

  • What do I do if my child has an allergy?

    Education Catering can provide your child with a special menu if you child has an allergy to certain foods. You will be required to fill in a form and provide medical evidence to them. For more information please speak to our school office team who will be able to advise you further.

  • What if my child has special requirements other than medical?

    We have children at the school who are vegetarian or for religious reasons require a special menu. There is a meat or vegetarian option available daily and therefore there will always be something that your child can choose. The school office team monitor identified children daily  to ensure they have made the right choices.

  • How do I find out if my child is eligible for free school meals?

    Please note this is different from Universal free school meals where children in Year R, 1 and 2 are provided with a government funded free school meal. Free School Meals are available only to children whose parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

    • Income Support
    • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
    • An income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • Families in receipt of Child Tax Credit will also qualify provided that (a) they are NOT also entitled to Working Tax Credit and (b) their annual income, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, does not exceed £16,190 (from 2010, subject to annual review)
    • Working tax credit run-on – paid 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit
    • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
    • All universal credit claimants are currently eligible

    Parents should be aware that taking up the free meals is recommended but not compulsory and that registering is completely confidential. Education Catering has an online service so that parents can check their eligibility for claiming free school meals for their child. The website can be found at All you need to do is enter your name, national insurance number or asylum number, your address and your child’s details.

  • What are Universal Free School Meals?

    This is a government funded scheme where children in Year R, 1 or 2 are eligible for a free school meal if they wish.

  • Can my child bring a packed lunch to school?

    Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch to school if they wish. Please note we are a nut free school so kindly request that packed lunches contain no nuts or nut products.

  • What do I do if my child requires a school meal but are arriving late at school?

    We order our school meals from the kitchen by 9:30 am daily. If you know your child requires a school meal but they are not arriving at school until after this time, please contact the school office team to book their meal. If you arrive later in the morning and have not pre-booked a meal, we will do our best to try and accommodate this but your child may not always be able to have the choice they wish. If you think this may cause them upset, it may be best to provide them with a packed lunch for that day.