Our School Council representatives continue to enthusiastically represent their peers, bringing about positive change and organising amazing fundraising.
Our School Council representatives continue to enthusiastically represent their peers, bringing about positive change and organising amazing fundraising.
Each year the children in Years two to six select a boy and girl to represent their class in the school council. The council meet every half term to discuss issues or questions their class have talked about. The school council then meet to feedback the class’s views on the subject and they propose solutions or answers. In the last year the council members wanted to make the playground more enjoyable for children and decided to redecorate the KS2 buddy bench so the children would be able to use it for the correct purpose. Then the children chose to raise money for a Southampton General Children’s Hospital charity because it was particularly close to their hearts as members of the Berrywood community have benefited from the work that this charity provides. The council members promoted the danceathon charity event to their classes and had about 200 children participate. They managed to raise over £2,000.